How to know what size walking stick to buy?

To Measure:

Cup your dominant hand holding it straight out from your elbow (as if you were holding a stick).  Use a tape and measure the distance from the floor to your hand.   If it helps, you can use a broom handle to pretend and/or stand by a wall and mark the wall with a pencil.  

**A general rule of thumb.  The top of the leather (all styles and wood varieties) on Jesus Reigns USA hiking sticks begins exactly 5.25 inches down from the top of the stick.  Here is what that looks like to help you decide:

  • 60 inch stick (leather runs from 49.75" up to 54.75")
  • 55 inch stick (leather runs from 44.75" up to 49.75")
  • 48 inch stick (leather runs from 37.75" up to 42.75")
  • 36 inch stick (leather runs from 25.75" up to 30.75")


If you don't have time to measure:

**These are only suggestions.  If your height falls right on the border, just consider your intended use and whether you want a little extra or a little less length.  Remember, we have elbows for a reason so it is not the end of the world if you are off by a few inches**

  • Little kids get short 36" stick
  • For teens and/or people who are shorter than 5' 5", we recommend a 48-inch stick.
  • For people who are between 5' 6" and 6' 0", we recommend a 55-inch stick.
  • For adults over 6' 0  we recommend a 60-inch stick.